Voyage in the News!

Voyage Media, with the help of our talented producers, writers, and storytellers, has built out incredible projects into films and television shows. Our projects have been written about by well-known media outlets, such as Variety and more. Check out our projects in the news below! In addition to the Voyage story in Variety, our platform has been featured quite a bit in the news, including on  Broadcasting Cable News and  Student Filmmakers! We’re also proud to announce our new joint venture with Impossible Dream Entertainment & Fortress films to develop and finance prestige independent films from the Voyage community. The partnership pairs Voyage’s extraordinary development track record with the production prowess of IDE’s Shaun Redick (GET OUT, THE BLACK KLANSMAN[i2] , BAND AID) and Fortress Films’ Patrick Rizotti (MALICIOUS, THE SUPER). Both IDE and Fortress have private equity backed financing.  Finally, we had an incredible time at our IGNITE! 4.0 workshop, hosting thirty special storytellers and producers to collaborate and create market-ready projects. At our charity gala dinner, we raised money for our non-profit partners, Young Storytellers, which uses the timeless techniques of mentoring, collaboration, and performance to provide public school students with an opportunity to write stories and see them brought to life.  A big and wonderful surprise came out of our IGNITE! weekend: an anonymous donor established the first ever Voyage scholarship, that provides deserving storytellers with financial assistance to gain access to high level mentor-ship and develop their stories for market. We’re always astounded with what comes out of those special weekends and what’s possible when you connect like-minded people all working toward a common goal! All...

Meditate at Work…Are You Crazy?

BY: ELIZABETH UPTON     A friend of mine recently told me, “If you don’t have 20 minutes to meditate then take an hour.” I laughed and found this amusing, but it got me thinking… I had always heard that meditation has the potential to improve productivity, but never felt like I had enough time to devote to the activity. If I’m already spread thin, how can I find more time? It’s a catch 22. In order to explore this idea a bit further, my colleagues at Voyage and I decided to give it a try… For the last year, we’ve been doing 10-minute meditations at the office three times a week. And we’ve had some pretty extraordinary results! Prioritization ~ I get more done in less time. Instead of just jumping from traffic into my chair thinking about a million things I need to do for the day, the 10 minutes we take to meditate actually helps me to prioritize my thoughts and helps me slow down. It’s the opposite of what you think you need to do, but it’s actually the trick to accomplishing more. More Clarity & Mental Focus ~ I’m less stressed. By taking a few minutes to deal with my stress effectively, I find that I’m more able to focus on my own goals as well as the goals of the company. Additionally, by removing clutter from my mind I am more easily able to hone in on the things that matter. Improved Communication ~ I express myself more clearly. A clear mind expresses clear thoughts and successful communication includes attentive listening. After meditation, I...

2017: What a Year!

It’s been an incredible year for the Voyage family and we’re so grateful to you for your hard work, dedication and commitment to your craft. You’ve inspired us in unimaginable ways. As we prepare for an even better 2018, here are some highlights we want to celebrate looking back… Welcome Baby Myles + Our Revitalized Commitments to You We are thrilled to announce that our Operations Manager Elizabeth Upton gave birth to a healthy baby boy in November!   If you were at our gala in May, you may have caught a peek of Myles with his mama walking the red carpet 🙂  Mother & baby Myles are doing well!  In other Voyage news, this year was huge for our commitment to altering the way Hollywood does business by building a studio for the creator, by the creator. We launched a crowdfunding campaign this year that produced some extraordinary results: 357 investors joined our ever-growing family We raised nearly $400,000 for our creator-owned studio The first $100,000 raised in just one week Thank you to our investors who joined our mission to create a friendlier Hollywood that works for everyone & share great stories with the world. We’re so happy to have you in the mix!      Coming off the heels of our successful crowdfunding campaign, we were inspired to up-level the Voyage Mission & Vision by making some heart-centered updates to our commitments to our community, partners, investors & society. We did a deep dive look within the company & spent two days in a retreat honing in on our mission & vision for the company & the...

What is a Screen-Plography?

By Tom Cartier Screenplay + Biography= Screen-Plography. In movie form they’re known as bio-pics, and throughout the history of cinema, Hollywood has always had an insatiable appetite for them. But before going any further, a disclaimer alert… I would never condone anyone trying to sell a film based on someone else’s life without first securing their rights. When shopping a project on the open market, always secure the rights first. However, if you’re just looking to make a big splash as a screenwriter or simply trying to get read, by all means. So long as no money changes hands, and the project is used strictly as a calling card, this can potentially work as a strategy that’s launched many a career. First and foremost, the basic story should be about someone who has done something extraordinary. The origin story of George Washington. Ted Kennedy’s ordeal at Chappaquiddick. The tale of how Francis Ford Coppola created his masterpiece The Godfather against all odds. All three of these ideas are scripts, currently making in-roads in Hollywood for the writers who created them; and all are great examples of what I consider to be Screen-Plographies. The key to it all is composing that perfect mix of personality and story, that flashpoint where truth and fiction collided to evoke something spectacular; a world where the truth actually did become stranger, and more arresting, than fiction. Oftentimes, it’s about telling the story of how a given person achieved fame, changed the world or made history. But just as frequently, it’s about that uncovered gem, that little known chapter in a well-known person’s life that’s absolutely riveting. Being a household name certainly...

A Letter From Our Founder

Four years ago, we started a journey to bring emerging writers and storytellers into Hollywood… Voyage was a brash and revolutionary idea that came straight from the heart… ‘We believe that everyone has a story worth sharing and we want everyone to have a fair shot’. But, when push came to shove and we had to run a business in the real world, we gave up on one of our original dreams… We had this dream of creating a ‘cooperative’ of sorts in which everyone playing in the sandbox with us could and would benefit financially from everyone’s successes… The idea was to create a community of creators that were willing to make a big bet on their own projects but that would still benefit even if their project didn’t work out… Let me give you some context and get really real for a sec… To reference real estate, the entertainment industry is a ‘buyer’s market’. And it likely always will be. There are an estimated 50,000 scripts and 1,000,000 books entering the market each year. And how many movies and series are produced? Estimates range from 7,000 to 10,000 worldwide. This isn’t scientific, but it’s akin to a hundred people selling homes and there’s only one buyer. That’s the harsh reality of our industry. You’re starting from a 1% chance of ‘making it’. It was these underlying market conditions that inspired our big, audacious dream… What if we were all in this together! What if, while making a bet on your project, you were also making a bet on others’ projects? Of course, you want to give your...

#1 Amazon Bestselling Author: Diane Dignan

Congratulations to our author client Diane Dignan for just reaching #1 bestseller status on Amazon in our Amazon Bestseller Program! “Race From The Finish” about a passionate NASCAR driver in the 1950’s is now a #1 Amazon Bestseller! We’ve been working with Diane since 2014 on a couple of different book projects she’s written and it has been a pleasure to see her grow as a writer and expand her knowledge of the industry. After moving up through the ranks of our book-to-screen program, Diane decided to pursue becoming an Amazon Bestselling Author. Within 2 months of signing up for our program and working with our Amazon guru on her book launch, Diane can now say she is a #1 Bestselling Author! facebook Twitter LinkedIn Archives September 2024 (1) April 2023 (1) January 2023 (1) December 2022 (1) October 2022 (1) June 2020 (1) April 2020 (1) February 2020 (1) January 2020 (1) October 2019 (1) August 2019 (1) June 2019 (1) January 2019 (1) April 2018 (1) March 2018 (1) February 2018 (1) January 2018 (1) December 2017 (1) November 2017 (1) October 2017 (2) July 2017 (4) April 2017 (1) February 2017 (1) January 2017 (1) December 2016 (1) November 2016 (1) October 2016 (1) September 2016 (2) June 2016 (1) May 2016 (1) April 2016 (1) February 2016 (3) January 2016 (1) December 2015 (2) November 2015 (1) October 2015 (2) September 2015 (2) August 2015 (2) July 2015 (1) June 2015 (1) April 2015 (1) March 2015 (1) February 2015 (2) January 2015 (3) December 2014 (2) October 2014 (1) September 2014 (3) August 2014 (3) June 2014 (2) May 2014 (5) April 2014 (3) February 2014 (1) January 2014 (1) December 2013 (1) April 2013 (1) December 2012 (1) July 2012 (1) April 2012 (2) March 2012 (2) December 2011 (1) November 2011 (3) October 2011 (4) September 2011 (5) August 2011 (3) May 2011 (2) April 2011 (1) March 2011 (2) November 2010 (2) August 2010 (1) June 2010 (1) March 2010 (1) October...

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