2018 Breakthrough Projects & Deals

We are proud to share that Voyage has reached an incredible inflection point, with deal-flow and successful outcomes for projects from our community sustaining an all-time high! Take a look at some of our recent wins, all of which originated from storytellers within our community: ALIVE DAY Alive Day (Feature) is based on the novel “Six Days to Zeus” by Samuel Hill. Screenplay by Voyage’s own Kathleen McLaughlin – now being produced in partnership with Oscar-nominated Mike Medavoy (BLACK SWAN, ALTERED CARBON) and with Phillip Noyce (SALT, REVENGE, CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER) attached to direct. The story is based on the life of a top Special Operations commander who loses his entire team in a friendly fire incident that leaves his body wrecked, but finds himself facing a court martial and a life back home that is falling apart. Check out the story in the trades here: Variety Magazine Article CHANCE Feature by Michael Daly, starring Matthew Modine (STRANGER THINGS, FULL METAL JACKET) and directed by Voyage’s own John Crye and now in postproduction. The tragic true story of teen suicide, bullying, set in the context of youth baseball. 500 MILES TO NOWHERE Feature by Fred Eason, now being produced in partnership with Shaun Redick (BLACKKKLANSMAN, GET OUT).  In the 1880’s, Bass Reeves, the country’s first black U.S. Marshal, goes after dangerous outlaws who attempt to hide out in Indian Territory.  ON FLEEK TV reality show by Alyx Baranow in partnership with Voyage producer Whitney Beatty, now being produced. Nicole Jackson (star of BLACK INK) moves to Austin for the summer to help get her microblading salon off the...

Travel: Creativity’s Locksmith

BREAK THROUGH BY BREAKING THE ROUTINE BY: ROB BOWMAN   Culture shock. That’s what it was. The phenomenon that many people had less than eloquently described to me over the years had taken a hold of me.Finally, it was my turn. It didn’t disappoint. I was in the back of a tuk-tuk with my sister as we squared off with Delhi’s rush hour traffic. Sensory overload was in full effect. I watched as lanes of traffic transformed into a current of chaos. I heard car horns and new languages volley interchangeably. I felt my comfort zone contract to the point where the hair on my skin was foreign. As for smell, I’ll let your imagination fill that in. Needless to say, my mind was racing. I was overwhelmed. But not in the way I was used to. This was different. It was a spark… And that’s because of what my brain was actually doing. By travelling someplace far away from my norm, both geographically and culturally, I was literally sparking different synapses in my brain by immersing myself in new sights, sounds, smells, languages, tastes, and sensations. To put it simply, I was re-wiring my brain by doing one simple thing: traveling. Now, traveling has been linked to many different health benefits (lower stress levels, stronger immune system, healthier heart), but one thing you may not be familiar with is traveling’s effect on creativity. In general, creativity is related to neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections. By experiencing new environments and cultures, unused neural networks within the brain fire and respond allowing you to broaden how you think. This, along with creating new habits,...

Our Mission is Creating Magnificence Together

Vision: Voyage has established an open platform on which the creative spark has a seamless conversation with the market, and together we join in the creation of entertainment. The entertainment community has welcomed our passionate crowd of original voices and has participated in a free flow of information and connections in a world of magnificent inspiration. The stories have found their home and the closed doors of Hollywood are open for business! Commitments: The company is committed to… Being a beacon of what’s possible and leading the industry further into its heart, reminding all of us of the original inspiration of why we’re playing this game Living true in the architecture and environment we’ve designed from our original intent. Everyone has an opportunity to fulfill on his or her life’s calling and to live an extraordinary life Having new voices and the market collaborate in an entirely new and innovative way that brings fresh, original stories to life The experience of working with Voyage being delightful and empowering for everyone Challenging the status quo and altering the way the entertainment industry does business Our team is committed to… Being uncompromising in living from our calling and fulfilling the company’s mission and vision We do impeccable work and every detail matters Creating an environment in which we are empowered to do our best work, are lit up, and are fully self-expressed Being a self-generative, high performance team, producing extraordinary results Being accountable to each other, and we can say, “I love my life!” We are committed that our customers… Feel all stories are welcome and given every opportunity to find...

Is Harvey really to blame?

Yes, absolutely. He is 100% responsible for his actions (as we all are). But there’s also a whole lot more at play… I woke this morning and, as in every day leading up to this one, Harvey Weinstein is in the news. And now, as you may know, Roy Price, the head of Amazon Studios, has resigned as a result of a sexual harassment firestorm that’s come out as a result of women in Hollywood finally feeling like they can have their voices heard. Much has now been said on a culture of harassment in Hollywood, and the complicit behavior that goes along with it. BEAUTIFUL GIRLS scribe Scott Rosenberg articulated it clearly in his ‘everybody knew’ letter you might have seen on Deadline. In it, Scott paints the picture of Harvey as ‘a goose laying golden eggs’ that everyone coveted (and therefore kept their mouth’s shut even though they knew what was going on). What I want to address is how the ‘old’, centralized Hollywood model created the inevitability of all of this. When so much power resides in the hands of a few select people – the power to make (or break) a career, the power to greenlight (or kill) a project on a personal whim, the use of implied (or explicit) threat that results in 1000s of voices forced into silence (over decades!) – bad stuff is going to happen. Actors feel like they have to endure unacceptable (and in some cases illegal) behavior lest they not be able to fulfill on their dreams and calling. Writers who give ‘voice’ to so many great and inspiring...

It’s Time!

4 Steps To Finally Writing Your Book   So here you are with a great idea for a book. Maybe it’s your own story, a story based on true events, or simply an awesome idea. You may have even been sitting on this story for months or years. Well it’s time to finally do something about it… But where do you start? I’m glad you asked 🙂 Whether you’re working on your tenth book or your first, use these steps to get that story out of your head and on paper. Decide what the book is about  You may be thinking to yourself, “Yeah, obviously.” But you’d be surprised at how difficult this step can actually be. Let’s say you have a compelling life story—but you have so much material (your whole life!) to draw from that it can be overwhelming. It’s important to boil down the main plot points early on in the writing process so as not to get bogged down in the details. It’s also a good idea to decide on the goal length of your book at this stage too. That way, you can more easily outline the book ahead of time (and not end up with a 100,000 word epic-novel based on that one week you spent abroad in college). Set a daily word count goal We’re all busy. We all have things going on that could stop us from writing. But if now is the right time for you, you need to make time for it. Make it part of your daily routine, like brushing your teeth or walking the dog. Even if...

How to Produce a Micro-Budget Film

By: Dan Benamor, Voyage Producer  In film, there may be no key creative more marginalized than the screenwriter. Screenwriters are fired and re-hired, rewritten and written out, and generally cede power to the director, producers, studio executives, and so on in the filmmaking process. If you are fortunate enough to sell a screenplay, once you as the writer have signed on the dotted line, you relinquish control. The writer is often on the low end of the totem pole in the film world, but it’s a reality screenwriters usually have to come to terms with. As tough as it may seem sometimes to break through and maintain a creative vision of your script as described above, there is an exception to this rule… You can decide to produce a micro-budget screenplay. Taking this journey will require a screenwriter to utilize skillsets more akin to a producer, and/or (if so desired) a director. But by taking control of your own career in this way, you can guide the process, both creatively and pragmatically (there’s no one to blame but yourself if the film is not made). Micro-budget films can be made for extremely low budgets with the modern state of film technology. Crowdfunding has become a valuable resource to the micro-budget filmmaker, and on the back end of the process, VOD has democratized everything. A case in point here is a film I co-wrote, INITIATION.  The film was released on just about every VOD platform last August. That means that if you are scrolling through VOD titles on ITunes or Amazon or any other VOD platform, you could easily find my film...

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