It’s been an incredible year for the Voyage family and we’re so grateful to you for your hard work, dedication and commitment to your craft. You’ve inspired us in unimaginable ways.
As we prepare for an even better 2017, here are some highlights we want to celebrate looking back…
Our Commitment to Your Success
2016 found us looking within to discover what we could be doing more to benefit you. In 2017 we’re completely reinventing, which you’ll learn a lot more about in the coming weeks. And you can take a peek at our revitalized commitments here.
- 3 projects have been fully produced and distributed with a 4th headed into production right now and a 5th that’s fully financed.
- 3 projects have been partially financed
- Nearly 40 unknown writers/authors have had their material optioned by producers
- 30 writers have received ongoing paid writing assignments
- Over 45 authors have become bestselling authors
We often get asked about stats and while we tend to avoid them since this is a creative enterprise, we were surprised to learn that 15% of our clients who work with us one-on-one achieve an objective metric of success like the ones listed above. We actually didn’t know it was that high ☺
A Brand New Batch of Originals
VALLEY UPRISING (Documentary Feature by Peter Mortimer & Nick Rosen) -Our film won an Emmy this year for Outstanding Graphic Design and Art Direction! The film tracks the history of “tuning in and dropping out” in Yosemite’s climbing scene, from the original pioneers of the Golden Era, to the Stone Masters of the late 20th century, to the crazy Stone Monkeys of today. And the best part is, it’s streaming on Netflix. CLICK HERE to watch it!
YO@NI (Feature by Kesia Elwin & Amanda Moresco) The life of Cuban blogger/dissident and 2012 Nobel Peace Prize nominee Yoani Sánchez. This exciting and timely feature is in development with Gil Junger (DEVIOUS MAIDS, 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU) and R
K9 LIFELINE (Reality TV Show by Jen & Dave Klenk; in collaboration with Cerise Fukuji) At K9 Lifeline, the dogs have to make a life or death decision – make a change or be euthanized. Professional trainer and expert in animal behavior, Heather Beck, takes the worst of the worst and transforms them into the best of the best, creating dogs that once faced death into loving and loyal companions. The project is in active negotiations with a major production company.
THORN OF THE SNOW ROSE (MOW by Ruth Mullany & Jeanne Lamsam) Based on the novel: when her aunt dies mysteriously, an insurance fraud detective returns home, only to find that she must uncover the truth about her own family’s past before she herself becomes a victim of murder. This film is partially financed and in active negotiations with a studio for full financing.
FINDING A WAY HOME (Feature by Nancy Price; in collaboration with Brian Young) Based on the novel, “Had A Dream:” a woman who has been estranged from her family returns home when she learns her father is dying and learns the truth about the death of her younger sister and the burden she has carried all these years.
MAKING AMENDS IN BIG BEND (Feature by Don Ingram; in collaboration with Brian Young) Based on the novel: a down and out ex football player, who fumbled a big play in high school and let it ruin his life, gets his redemption when he saves a young woman and her daughter. When novelist Don Ingram pitched this project to our producer, he found it so compelling that he offered to option it on the spot!
SAVING GRACE (Feature by Pamela Fagan Hutchins; in collaboration with Brian Young) A high-strung lawyer travels to the Caribbean to uncover the truth behind the mysterious death of her parents. While there, she is seduced by both the tropical location and a charming chef.
Your Books Are Becoming Bestsellers

New and Noteworthy
- IGNITE! – We hosted a first-of-it’s-kind, in-person workshop in April – it was such a smashing success that we did it again in October! Authors and screenwriters from around the world joined us in Hollywood and worked with our producers 1-on-1 and in small groups on their projects. Check out the cool video we put together here and mark your calendars for the next one in the Spring of ’17!
- TRUTH ENTERTAINMENT – on the heels of our partnership-building efforts last year, we’ve been building a great working relationship with Truth Entertainment, Oscar winning producers of DALLAS BUYERS CLUB. Truth looks to Voyage for great film projects (we have a few in the works with them already) and we’re also providing strategic insights and writing assignments on their projects.
- NASSER ENTERTAINMENT – Last year’s financing partnership with Nasser Entertainment has produced great results and we have our first feature going into production in January and another in the works. The Nassers produce films in the Action/Thriller, MOW and Faith-Based Genres.
Our All-Star Producer Team
- 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE – Matt Stuecken and his writing partner wrote the screenplay for the Bad Robot movie released in March of this year. It was a hit at the box office earning over $115,000,000 worldwide – way to go, Matt!
- ALPHA PRODUCTIONS (THE REVENANT) –Aaron Mendelsohn sold his Action Adventure Feature script to Alpha Productions – watch out for his film on the big screen next year! Aaron also sold another script to Hallmark Network this year.
- ESPN 2 – Congrats to Danny Llewelyn for the 2nd season of his show Battlefrog College Championship airing on ESPN this year!
- FOX – Regina Lee sold & is producing an Animated TV Comedy pilot for Fox by an Emmy-winning showrunner of Fox’s hit show FUTURAMA.
- VOD RELEASES: Dan Benamore co-wrote two features this year: STAGECOACH (starring country music superstar Trace Adkins), a 10 theater theatrical & VOD release, and INITIATION which was released on nearly every Video-On-Demand platform out there.
What’s on Deck for 2017?
As you can tell, it’s been a busy 2016. And we’ve been working hard on some game-changing plans for 2017. We have doubled down on our commitment to growing our family of creators and ensuring that Voyage works for everyone that’s part of our family.
With that intention in mind, here’s what we’ve been working on ensure that our community of creators are taken care of…
- The Crane – The Crane is our new newsletter that fosters magnificence in the daily lives of the special set of creators who have chosen to work with us and become a part of our family. The Crane will explore topics the following areas: Health & Wellness, Mind/Body/Spirit, Abundance, Leading Edge, Wealth Creation and Creativity.
- Upgraded Mission & Vision of Voyage – This year, we have reconnected to the intention of Voyage: To foster a thriving community of storytellers and a revolutionary, heart-centered way to create, share, and earn from the transcendent art of film and television storytelling. Check out our vision and commitments here.
- Founder’s Letters – Our Founder & CEO Nat has written a 3-part series of letters to our Voyage community. It the letters, Nat gets real about the industry and shares some new and exciting plans that we have for 2017.
Read the first letter here.
Read the second letter here.
Read the third letter here.
This is just the very beginning of the plans we have in the works and we can’t wait to share all the details with you, as we’re able. Keep an eye on your inbox in the coming months for some exciting announcements! ☺
Cheers to creating magnificence together this year!
-The Voyage Crew