Valley Uprising


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Congratulations to Nick Rosen and Pete Mortimer for their awesome, soon-to-be-released documentary, VALLEY UPRISING: YOSEMITE’S ROCK CLIMBING REVOLUTION

The film is a raucous thrill ride up (and in some cases rapidly down) Yosemite’s sheer granite walls. The film tracks the history of “tuning in and dropping out” in Yosemite’s climbing scene, from the original pioneers of the Golden Era, to the Stone Masters of the late 20th century, to the crazy Stone Monkeys of today.

Voyage is Executive Producing with Peter Sarsgaard narrating.

The filmmaking team, who are members of our prestigious Professionals Program, received financing from The North Face, Clif Bar and others. The film is in the final stages of post-production and has a festival rollout beginning on September 11th.



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