The 3 Critical Reasons You Should Be Using Visuals To Pitch Your Project

Whether you love to do it or not, marketing your work is a necessity if you want it to reach people.

So you’ve got all your marketing materials together, a logline, a treatment, a clever synopsis.  Your pitch is ready to go, but you’ve forgotten one vital thing – visuals.

We live in a primarily visual age.  One where Instagram has overtaken Facebook as the premiere social media platform to be on, and one where Facebook has reinvented itself to showcase user photos in an effort to keep up.

Twitter has shown that moreover, people digest text in smaller and smaller bites.

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, and if you’re in it to win a shot at seeing your film on-screen, that has never been more true than right now.

Why is visual marketing so important?

  1. Rouse an emotion. People make choices on feeling – capture a producer’s emotions, and you’ll have a better chance of capturing his signature on an option agreement
  2. Complement your worded materials in a way that: A. tells a story and then     B. shows a story – this is a winning combo that works!
  3. Visuals tell a story in microseconds (a picture speaks a thousand words – multiple pictures can speak millions)

Click Here to see examples of visual from our film project marketing

Consider the film GRAVITY, directed by Alfonso Cuaron and starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney.  GRAVITY’s tagline is simple enough:  “Don’t Let Go.”  It communicates a simple message, and may or may not capture attention on its own.

But then let’s take that tagline, and pair it with the film’s poster image.

“Don’t let Go.”

All of a sudden – three simple words and a single image has communicated a wealth of information and emotion, and all in a matter of milliseconds.

Now of course, this image is a still from the film, and you’re probably still trying to get your film made.  But, you can use conceptual photography and imagery to give an idea of what your film might look like should it be put through the development machine.  It’s the possibility of something huge and something emotional that swings the pendulum of chance in your favor.

If you can get a producer to envision the end result, that could be the power-move that complements your written materials and starts your journey towards movie mogul-dom.  It’s your ace in the hole, so when you market your material, make sure the visuals are stunning, impactful, and communicative, and that follow-through may just be extra oomph that makes a producer sign his or her name on your dotted line.

Click Here to see examples of visual from our film project marketing






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